Once again this year we had the opportunity to participate in SAIE, the famous construction fair held every year in Bologna, and a space was dedicated to the topic of digitization and BIM. In this article we want to tell you about our experience and impressions of the event. It is now clear the fact that more and more enterprises, firms and companies in the construction industry, are approaching the topic of digitization. Some do so because they believe that indeed the implementation of digital methods and processes can bring benefits in the coming years, and others do so because last January the decree on digitization was published, which plans to arrive in 2025, in a “cascade” system, at the compulsory requirement to have an organization based on this method in the company, so as to be able to participate in public tenders. Regardless of the reasons, we were pleased to note that this is the direction people are taking, to implement the digital process within their business so as to align with market needs.
Among the various speeches we had the pleasure of attending, we list some that, in our opinion, were among the most interesting:

Alberto Tono – AR Deep learning BIM, HOK San Francisco, CA

Alain Waha – BIM lead, Buro Happold, London, UK

Francesco Tizzani – BIM Manager, Leighton Asia, Shenzen City, China

Speaker:Claudio Vittori Antisari – Founder, Strategie Digitali, Milan, Italy

Riccardo Pagani – CEO, React Studio & BIMon, Rome, Italy
Veronica Veschi – BIM Coordinator, BIMon, Rome, Italy

Giacomo Bergonzoni – BIM Manager, OpenProject. Bologna, Italy
Fabrizio Sampietro – BIM Specialist, OpenProject. Bologna, Italy

Manuel André Bottiglieri – Developer and BIM Specialist, Lombardini22. Milan, Italy
Viola Cambiè – R&D, Lombardini22. Milan, Italy
Obviously, it was not possible to include all BIM-themed talks, but both listed and unlisted talks attracted a great deal of interest from businesses and industry professionals. Among the various booths that were available to visitors this year, we also noticed a great deal of interest in everything related to the world of laser-scanner surveying, whether using drones from 30cm up to 1½m in size or using laser scanners equipped with tripods.
In fact, La SIA, over the past 18 months, pursuing the goal of implementing a viable digital process, has included within its staff, several resources with expertise on BIM and digitization, such as architect Gianpaolo Stringa, who has dedicated part of his time to the development of workflows on the use of laser-scanners for the creation of BIM models from point clouds; architect Ernesto Pellegrino, research and development manager, and engineer Eleonora Palladino, who have been working on the implementation of digitization processes serving the various design disciplines; and engineer Lucia Tirino, who is handling the management and BIM coordination of a project with more than 30 resources involved. Participating in the event in Bologna, we were pleased to see that our company, La SIA, has taken a direction in line with what is happening within other companies, which have decided to focus on the digitization of design processes, guaranteeing all their clients a high level of information quality and interdisciplinary collaboration.