La SIA Christmas Party 2022

Last December 2, our year-end event was held at the Chorus Cafe in Rome.

The evening opened at 7 p.m. with an aperitif during which our team members, who arrived from all over Italy, got to know each other and socialize.

Next, our general manager, Alessandra Speranza, introduced our annual report during which we shared with our entire team our achievements and goals hit for 2022 as well as our plans for 2023.

The annual report was enriched by valuable professional testimonials from some of our team members.

The annual report was closed by the speech of our Administrator, Maurizio Ciardi, who announced all the news planned for the coming year and thanked everyone present for their commitment and professionalism in 2022.

The evening continued with a buffet dinner and a fun DJ set!

A photogallery of all the shots taken at the photo booth set up for the occasion is posted below!

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